This was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors alike. The exhibition and series of accompanying conferences were held at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC)from March 27 – 29, 2018.This was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors alike. The exhibition and series of accompanying conferences were held at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC)from March 27 – 29, 2018.The visitors were pleased at the number of exhibitors, the wide range of products on display, especially the newly launched products and also the high quality of the exhibition stands and the professionalism of the show staff.There were 228 exhibitors and co-exhibitors from 33countries present. In all there were, over three days,6,987 visits from 67 countries. A high proportion of the visitors were from outside Thailand, in fact 45%. These figures clearly demonstrate that the event is Asia’s international showcase for the feed and grain industries.The newly introduced business match-making program helped exhibitors and visitors get the most out of the exhibition. The program focused on high quality meetings and consisted of a combination of an online tool, which allowed exhibitors and visitors to plan their appointments very efficiently and a personal approach by our matchmaking consultants. The conference delegates also confirmed the quality of the papers presented at the numerous conferences. The conferences had extensive programs which were well received.The conferences were as follows:1. Aquafeed Horizons Asia 20182. FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference 20183. Petfood Forum Asia 20184. Global Milling Conference with GRAPAS Asia 20185. GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance6. World Feed Industry Perspectives Conference 2018The different conference organisers stated that the delegate attendance was good and that the delegates have appreciated the quality of both the speakers and their papers.Victam International, the event organisers, also arranged the World Feed Industry Perspectives Conference. Speakers from IFIF (Ms. Alexandra de Athayde), Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG (Dr. Bernhard Eckel), the Thai Feed Mill Association (Mr. BoonthamAramsiriwat), the Vietnam Feed Association (Mr. La Van Kinh) and Feed Latina (Mr. MarcioCeccantini) and the Department of Livestock (Mr. KittiKoobkaew) addressed the audience of senior international executives from the internationalanimal feed industries. During the Network Reception the winners of the coveted GRAPAS Innovation Awards were announced. There were three winners: the GeelenCounterflow Electrical Dryer, Henry Simon’ Rollermill of Satake and the Atta Process with PesaMill from Bühler. The VICTAM newsroom reported semi-live from the show floor to allow those that couldn’t attend to still be part of the action. Speakers, visitors and exhibitors were interviewed about their expertise and the news crew made running reports about the event. Check out our YouTube channel, Victam International, for all the reports. Upcoming events:The next event organised by Victam International BV is VICTAM International 2019 from June 12 – 14, 2019 in Cologne, Germany. Please find more information about our events at The next VICTAM Asia event will be from 24 – 26 March 2020.