Multiple toxin challenges in feed and its solution Technical session organized by Venky’s India Limited

Venky’s India Limited Organized Technical Seminars across few zones in India from the 9th to 13th of December 2024 at Hotel Sayaji, Pune, Radisson blu, Bangalore, Nala Hotels, Namakkal, and Le Meridien, Coimbatore. Dr Joseph Garcia, technical manager, Special Nutrient, USA was expert guest speaker. The theme of the seminars was “Multiple toxin challenges in feed and its solution

Dr. Joseph Garcia started his presentation on “Toxin in Poultry” by showing some Photographs of the post-mortem lesions caused by mycotoxicity in poultry. These Photographs of post-mortem lesions give a clear idea about different lesions in different organs by different mycotoxins. He also talked about the prevalence of different toxins in the feed & presented updated data on its prevalence around the world and its Indian scenario and how Biobantox and Biobantox Plus can play a critical role in toxicity prevention and management in poultry.

Afterwards, Dr. Joseph Garcia updated about the endotoxins and their consequences in poultry production. The endotoxins disrupt gut health in poultry. Endotoxins, also known as lipopolysaccharides (LPS), are part of the outer membrane of the cell wall of all gram-negative bacteria (e.g. E. coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Pseudomonas spp., among others) that are released from bacterial cell wall by shedding or through bacterial lysis. As the gram-negative bacteria are part of poultry microbiota, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are also present in the intestine. Under eubiosis, this does not affect animals negatively because intestinal epithelial cells are poorly responsive to Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) when stimulated from the apical side.

Endotoxins are released in systemic circulation from gram-negative bacteria whenever we use antibiotics against these gram-negative bacteria. This released endotoxin in the systemic circulation of birds affects their health and reproduction. In vitro and in vivo studies of Biobantox Plus have shown binding efficiency against endotoxins (Lipopolysaccharides). Endotoxins, Pesticides, and Mycotoxins adversely affect the immune system and performance of the birds. He concluded that Biobantox Plus is very effective in binding Endotoxin along with the adsorption of mycotoxins and pesticides, thus keeping the bird’s health in good condition.

Dr. Joseph Garcia also mentioned immunosuppression caused by mycotoxins and subsequent vaccine failures. He emphasized that one should be very careful while selecting a toxin binder as some agents such as activated charcoal if included as a toxin binder may have deleterious effects on health by binding the nutrients such as vitamins and minerals from the feed. Biobantox Plus takes care of mycotoxins, Endotoxins & Pesticides and helps in maintaining optimal health of the birds resulting in better performance.

The seminars at Bangalore, Namakkal, Coimbatore, and Pune were attended by field veterinarians, broiler breeders, broiler integrators, and layer farmers. At Bangalore, Namakkal, and Coimbatore Dr. N. Baburaj (Deputy General Manager sales and marketing) gave an introductory speech and was introduced by Dr. Garcia while at Pune Dr. Vishwas Sagajkar (Deputy General Manager sales and marketing) gave an introductory Speech. Appreciable efforts were taken by Dr. Hemant Murade (Deputy General Manager sales) , Mr Ram Ghate (Assistant General Manager Sales, West Zone), Mr R.D Lokesh(Zonal manager, South II ), Mr M. Babu (Senior Regional Sales Manager South II), Mr Murugesan (Zonal Manager), Mr Umapathi, Mr Chinnaraj (Senior Zonal Manager), and Mr Shahaji Huda (Zonal Manager) for arranging the program at various places. The seminars were guided by Mr Deepak Khosla, General Manager Sales and Marketing, Venky’s India Ltd.

In the end, Dr. Vishwas Sagajkar thanked everyone for attending the seminar and concluded with positive results and excellent ROI of Biobantox and Biobantox Plus in poultry feed.

The seminar received a massive response from poultry farmers, veterinarians, and consultants.  In all the seminars queries from the participants were discussed in detail. Farmers and veterinarians were happy with the updates and solutions given by Dr. Joseph Garcia on multiple toxins.