FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS ASIA 2016 Becomes The International Showcase For Asia

Once again FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia proved that quality counts! This was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors alike. The event was again held in the magnificent BITEC venue in Bangkok. The visitors were pleased at the number of exhibitors, the wide range of products on display, especially the newly launched products. There were 223 exhibitors and co-exhibitors, from 28 countries. The show was sold out again and even 11% larger than the 2014 show.
Likewise the exhibitors were very satisfied with the visitors. Exhibitors were able to have serious discussions and negotiations with their clients and new potential clients that they had met at the show. In all there were 6,374 visitors, an all-time high for this show. A very high proportion of the visitors were from outside Thailand, in fact 40%.
The conference delegates also confirmed the quality of the papers presented at the numerous conferences.
Once again the ASEAN Feed Summit, was organised and funded by the Victam Foundation and hosted by the Thai Feed Mill Association. Held in closed session and chaired by Mr.Pornsil Patchrintanakul, President of the Thai Feed Mill Association, and moderated by Ms. Alexandra de Athayde, IFIF Executive Director, brought together senior feed regulators and industry representatives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
During the discussions a number of relevant issues were identified for further potential cooperation.
Victam International also celebrated its 25th Anniversary of holding events in Asia. On the first evening of the event a Celebration Dinner was held. During the Celebration Dinner, the winners of the coveted Innovation Awards were announced.
The winners were as follows:
1. Animal Feed Technology & Nutrition Award
Sponsored/organised by AllAboutFeed Winner: Huvepharmafrom Belgium
2. The Aquafeed Innovation Award
Sponsored/organised by Winner: Kemin Industries (Asia) Pte. Ltd. from Singapore.
3. The GRAPAS Award
Sponsored/ organised by Milling and Grain magazine
Winner: Eye-Grain Apps from Denmark.
Also during the evening Victam’s General Manager – Henk van de Bunt announced his retirement. Van de Bunt has been with the organization since the very first show in Bangkok in 1991 and during his time has seen the show grow over 600%. Henk leaves on the July 1st. Henk is however joining the Board of the Victam Foundation and will be succeeded by Erik Heemskerk, who will start on June 1st.
The next FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS event in Asia will be from 27 – 29 March 2018. Also a new event organised by Victam will take place in Cologne, Germany from 13 – 14 June in 2017.
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