Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd conducted 4 technical seminars on Pumipro for broiler integratorsat Nashik, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Karnal in Dec. 2024.
On 16th Dec. 2024, Nashik, Maharashtra.
The seminar opened with an impactful presentation by Dr. Ivan Rychlik on addressing understanding the gut micro-biota in chickens. Then Dr. C. B Pande, technical consultant, Lallemand Animal nutrition, France shared insightful information on Pumipro product, discussed about unique strain of Bacillius Pumilus as aideal probiotics enzymatic activity in commercial broilers for improving gut health and performance. Afterwards, Dr. Sunil Nadgauda, Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd discussed about field trials reporton Pumipro and its beneficial effect as compared to Bacillus Subtilis on broiler growth performance and feed conversion.
On 17th Dec. 2024, Hyderabad.
The seminar kicked off with opening remarks by Mr. Deepak Khosla, GM-Marketing, Venworld. His wise words and insightful advice on the emerging diseases, antibiotics awareness that pushing the Indian poultry into greater economic depression were invaluable. He shared his thoughts on how poultry industry is shifting towards use of probiotics for improving gut health of chickens as well as considering food safety measures. The seminar started with an impressive presentation by Dr. Ivan Rychlik on addressing the gut microbiota in chickens. Then Dr. C. B Pande, technical consultant, Lallem and Animal nutrition, Francediscussed importance of probiotics and how Pumipro product helps to enhance profit and diminish the losses in commercial broilers. Thenafter, Dr. Datta Kulkarni, Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd addressed regional field trials on Pumipro product, discussed significant impact of Bacillus Pumillus on broiler average body weight gain and FCR as compared to Bacillus Subtilis.
On 18th Dec. 2024, Kolkata.
The programme began with warm welcome and opening speech by Mr. Deepak Khosla, GM-Marketing, Venworld provided invaluable insights into the challenges and solutions for optimizing birds performance and tackling antimicrobial resistance –issues of paramount importance in today’s poultry industry. After opening remarks,Dr. Ivan Rychlik addressed the importance of gut micro-biota in chickens. Then Dr. C. B Pande, technical consultant, Lallem and Animal nutrition, France discussed regarding how Bacillus Pumillus strain helps to modulate the gut microbiota balance by enhancing beneficial bacteria and limiting undesirable bacteria. Dr. Datta Kulkarni, Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd addressed regional field trials on Pumipro product, discussed beneficial effect on growth performance of BacilliusPumillus compared to Bacillus Subtilis.
On 20th Dec. 2024, Karnal, Haryana
The program was meticulously orchestrated.The seminar started with presentation by Dr. Ivan Rychlik discussed how gut micro-flora is important for healthy chicken. Dr. C. B Pande, technical consultant, Lallemand Animal nutrition, France shared powerful presentation on Pumipro product, discussed how Pumipro makes an exclusive probiotics globally that has both probiotic as well as enzymatic activity (protease and lipase) which have dualbenefits in commercial broilers.
Dr. Sunil Jadhav addressed zootechnical performance of Pumipro, showing better growth performanceof Bacillus Pumillusvs. Bacillus Subtilis.
These technical seminars were very insightful for all broiler integrators.