“Commercial Layer Nutrition” & “Vencobb 430 Breeder Management Updates”
Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Pvt Ltd organized Technical seminars for Poultry Farmers on Friday 31st May, 2024 and Saturday 01st June, 2024 at Chitwan, Nepal. These technical seminars were attended by poultry farmers of Chitwan, Pokhara and surrounding areas of Nepal.
Mr Jivan Kunwar, Nepal Country Manager, Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Pvt. Ltd. welcomed all attendees and Mr. Deepak Khosla, General Manager, Marketing gave the opening remark.
The speaker for the First seminar (Commercial Layer Nutrition), Dr Sunil Nadgauda, DGM – Nutritional Services explained in detail about the “Commercial Layer Nutrition” in all aspects. During discussion he advised to be watchful about quality parameters to be considered while selecting the different feed ingredients. The excerpts from his presentation can be summarized as below.
- Importance of body weight monitoring in rearing period and its impact on laying productivity.
- Early Laying Nutrition to maximize peak production and to maintain the consistency.
- Benefits of Phase feeding – to reduce the overall egg production cost and to optimize the efficiency also.
- Alternative sources of Protein & Energy and precautions to be taken while using the alternative feed ingredients.
- Maintaining the egg shell quality during extended laying periods.
- Innovative premix solutions to simplify the feed manufacturing process and also to avoid errors during feed production. 4% Layer Composite premix is the innovative and simple solution which provides additives part in required proportion to boost the productivity.
Dr Sunil Nadgauda answered the queries of the attendees related to the subject and other technical queries regarding Poultry nutrition and management.
Dr. Parag Mahadik, AGM Marketing, Ventri Biologicals explained in detail about New Castle Disease (ND). ND is the 4th top poultry disease in the world having huge losses in poultry industry. As ND virus is a single stranded RNA virus, lot of modifications are happening in it. There is no sterile immunity after ND vaccination therefore there is a need to repeat vaccination frequently. India is endemic to velogenic strains of ND. In India, Nepal and other Asian countries genotype VIII or XIX is prevalent so this component is updated in Ventri Biologicals vaccines.
The speaker for the Second seminar, Dr Harsha kumar Shetty, General Manager- Breeder Sales & Technical supportex plained in detail about the “Vencobb 430 Breeder Management Updates”. During his presentation he discussed following points-
- Importance of uniformity in broiler breeders and how to achieve it.
- Importance of Grading in broiler breeders and its impact on uniformity.
- He also discussed regarding calculation of feed increment and feed allocation after grading.
- Emphasised on feed management and body weight management in female during growing and laying phase.
- Preparing pullet for maximum performance.
- Standard recommendation regarding light stimulation and also discussed about the lighting schedule during growing and laying in open as well as environmentally controlled houses.
- Requirement of energy for maintenance, growth and production during laying period.
- Ways to prevent fatty liver, calcium tetany.
- He also discussed about male management for achieving better Fertility.
Dr. H K Rohilla, DGM – Broiler Breeder Technical Services (North India) shared his field experiences with Infectious Bronchitis infections in Broiler Breeders, Layers and commercial Broilers. He in detail discussed about the disease transmission, routes of infection, clinical signs and symptoms, PM changes. Finally he suggested strategies for prevention of Infectious Bronchitis with help of biosecurity and vaccination. He also presented numerous case studies in broiler breeders.
Both the technical seminars were attended by around 100 poultry farmers each from Chitwan, Pokharaand surrounding are as of Nepal.
Mr JivanKunwar, Nepal Country Manager, Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Pvt. Ltd. proposed vote of thanks to all. The local Venworld Team organised this technical seminar.