Feed and food industry and private sector operators, governmental officers, scientific and technical experts from around the world came together to discuss on the needs to ensure sustainability and safety of the food we eat or provide to our animals.
The critical issues facing the agri-food chain were discussed at the 5th Global Feed & Food Congress (GFFC), organized by the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) in cooperation with the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) and hosted by the Turkish Feed Manufacturers’ Association (TÜRKİYEM-BİR), with technical support provided by FAO.
Ms Yuriko Sojin, Head, FAO Sub-regional Office for Central Asia pointed out in welcome speech, what a great opportunity the congress was “to address together some of the challenges of the livestock, feed and food sectors. The effective engagement of the private sector can help the fight against hunger and malnutrition, which are in the forefront of FAO mandate.” Addressing the overall theme ‘Equity and Prosperity for All – The Future’, a high level panel of speakers brought together.
Speaking in front of 900 international delegates, the panellists discussed the current state of the feed and food industries, as well as the most important challenges that lie ahead for the sector. The discussion touched on critical issues facing the agri-food chain, including sustainability, how to drive and finance innovation, the importance of a balanced regulatory framework, technology transfer and capacity development as well as free and fair trade.
The congress provided critical insight into the sustainability challenge of the feed and food value chain. Updates and insights were given on the FAO led Feed Safety Multi-stakeholder Partnership, the LEAP Partnership and the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock. The Congress also drawn attention to a field of action in the activities of FAO addressing the livestock, feed and food sectors: the fight against antimicrobial resistance. She highlighted that “The responsible use of antimicrobials in agriculture, feed and food production can save lives.”
The Congress was paired by an International Feed Regulators Meetings (IFRM), organized by FAO and IFIF, a meeting that provides yearly an opportunity for feed regulators and industry professionals from across the globe to exchange ideas and information, to address common challenges and to discuss concrete proposals to provide safe feed and food in a sustainable manner around the world. The topics discussed included:
Feed related updates in the Codex Alimentarius and the necessity for the feed sector to approach the food sector for addressing feed safety
Update on the IFIF Convergence Project, which aims towards convergence of technical requirements specific to feed additive/ingredient authorization across regions
The outcomes of the FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Hazards Associated with Animal Feed and the Feed Safety
The need for risk assessments and scientific knowledge on feed and feed technologies
The state of feed legislations and the needs for regulatory frameworks
Joel Newman, IFIF Chairman was “delighted that many world regions and key regulatory bodies were represented at the 9th IFRM and that this meeting yet again proved an important opportunity for the global feed industry and feed regulators to discuss key issues for the feed and food chain. We believe that only by working together can we continue to ensure feed and food safety, while meeting the global demands for food sustainably.”
Daniela Battaglia, Livestock Development Officer at FAO concluded: “The success of this meeting is a proof that FAO efforts to facilitate dialogue between the public and private sector are worthwhile. Feed operators can valuably contribute to make the livestock and food sectors more responsible and sustainable and to achieve other important goals such as food security, public health, and animal health and welfare.”