Selko research addresses global and regional mycotoxin challenges, and hosts Young Scientists Format World Mycotoxin Forum 15th Conference

Selko, the feed additive brand of Nutreco, is sharingglobal mycotoxin research findings andinviting young scientists to propose next-generation strategies for addressing emerging mycotoxins, during the World Mycotoxin Forum (WMF) 15th Conference, 7-9 April in Salzburg, Austria.

As agold sponsor of the World Mycotoxin Forum,Selkois presenting nine scientific postersexploring the complex and costly challenges that mycotoxins pose to poultry, swine, ruminant and aquaculture species; as well as feed producers’ businesses. On Tuesday, 8 April from 16:45 to 17:45, Selko will host its third edition of theYoung Scientists Forum. The informal gatheringfacilitates an exchange of ideason how to better understand and mitigate emerging mycotoxins. Blending hospitality with ingenuity, the Young Scientists Forum aims to ignite young minds, stimulate new ideas and generate action points.

Following are additional highlights of Selko’s presence at the WMF 15th conference:

Differential diagnosis as an on-farm tool

Dr. Swamy Haladi, global technical commercial manager with Trouw Nutrition, will discuss how conducting differential diagnosis may help detect on-farm mycotoxinpressures that can lead to a dip in animal performance. His presentation, “Differential Diagnosis of Mycotoxicosis is Key for Effective Risk Management” will consider how the presence and concentration of mycotoxins can trigger problems that may be difficult to observe, but costly to a producer’s businesses. Dr. Haladi will discuss how producers can work with veterinarians, nutritionists and farm managers to conduct differential diagnosis and identify causative factors, helpingin a timely mitigation response and potentially reducing economic losses.

Global and regional analyses

Selko research shared at WMF will address the global contamination and concentration of different mycotoxins, while also diving into regional mycotoxin challenges in the imported feed ingredients in Asia, the European Union and Latin America. While mycotoxin presence fluctuates by year and location, historic trends can suggest contamination patterns and the influence of climate change on feed ingredients. Tracking and analyzing this information can provide a valuable foundation for predicting and managing mycotoxin risk in feeds.

Addressing mycotoxin contamination in livestock feed

At WMF, Selko posters will share new research exploringhow mycotoxins in sow, piglet, layer andTilapia feeds can affectperformance, andhow species respond to different mitigation tools. Findings from studies indicate that mitigation tools deploying multiple modes of action may be more effective than traditional, single mode of action interventions. Research also shows that accurate dosing also plays a role in ensuring that a desired response is achieved when using mitigation tools.

Remarking on Selko’s presence at WMF 2025, Dr. Haladi stated, “From climate change to geopolitical tensions, conditions in 2025 are contributing to a complex mycotoxin situation in regions around the globe. Ongoing scientific research along with the fresh ideas from young scientists – and those young at heart – can lead to improved understanding of mycotoxins and how to mitigate the challenges they present.”

About Trouw Nutrition:

Trouw Nutrition is Nutreco’s livestock feed business and a global leader in feed, farm, and health. We have a 90-year history of developing innovative feed products and more sustainable ways of raising healthy farm animals and companion animals. With a presence in 105 countries and 22 manufacturing plants, we are a one-stop-shop for feed specialities, feed additives, premixes, nutritional models, and customised, integrated services. We are everywhere farmers and home-mixers, feed producers, integrators, and distributors need us to be. Animal nutrition and good farm management have the power to transform our industry and even our planet. To solve the challenges facing our feed-to-food chain, Trouw Nutrition attracts the smartest minds. We have a dedicated team of 8,300 and a global network to help our customers feed the future. Our global brands include LifeStart, NutriOpt, Milkiwean, Gestawean, ChickCare, Maxcare, Sprayfo, and Selko.
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Elise Catusse,