Poultry Federation of India (PFI), a national level Association, having more than 1200 members from all sectors of poultry industry, organized successful Annual General Body meeting on August 30 in Gurgaon. The event was attended by more than 250 delegates from Poultry industry.
Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Agriculture, Dr. Sanjeev Balyan was the Chief Guest of the occasion. Sh. Om Prakash ji Dhankar, Cabinet Minister for Agriculture Haryana State and Mr. Krishan Lal Pawar, Cabinet Minister for Transport Haryana State, were Guest of Honour, and Mr. Mahipal Dhanda, MLA, was special guest invited to grace the occasion.
PFI is playing a major role in the development and growth of the poultry sector from last 27 years. For next term, new Executive Committee of PFI was also announced during the AGM. Mr. Ramesh Chander Khatri is the President of PFI, Mr. Sanjeev Gupta is the Vice President, Sh. Ranpal Dhanda is the Secretary, Mr. Ashok Seth is the Treasurer. In order to discuss the relevant issues faced by poultry sector, Mr. Vijay Sardana was nominated as its advisor.
Retiring President, Mr. Satish Pal enlightened the achievements and developments of the Federation for the last term and recent developments in the lawsuit for ban of cages. The federation with the help of all associated people, succeeded to be a part of committee which will frame a new set of guidelines for caging system for poultry birds.
Mr. Ramesh Chander Khatri, Secretary, presented PFI Annual Report. “PFI has regularly taken up several initiatives to create huge employment space and upliftment of the rural population,” he said.
Mr. Ashok Seth, Treasurer, presented audited statement of accounts for the year 20142015. He thanked the Chartered Account for PFI, Mr. S. S. Katyal (from S. S. Katyal & Co) for preparing the Balance Sheet.
Mr. Shyam Kumar, Vice President (HQ), thanked all sponsoring companies for their financial support to PFI in successfully organizing 27th AGM.
The event was followed by a technical seminar session chaired by Dr. Shabbir Ahmad Khan.
Dr. SK Khanna, one of senior doctors of the industry, laid his emphasis on the disease outbreaks in broiler production. He stressed the importance of good management and hygiene practices, good water management practices and an efficient way of production of broilers.
Dr. JL Vegad, one of the senior most doctors delivered on Proper vaccination schedules and changing viral strains. He presented the importance of maintaining proper bio-security on farms for enhanced FCR and less chances of viral outbreaks on farms.
Dr. Devinder Hooda, an eminent speaker, shared his views on the economy related aspects of the industry. The concern was ban on cages and its devastating effects on Indian Poultry industry.
The session was followed by presentation by Mr. Vijay Sardana. He shared the role of poultry industry in providing employment opportunities to rural farmers and offering best low cost nutrition for child-malnutrition and better women health.
According to Mr. Sardana, poultry industry needs major policy review and support to face emerging global competition and to enter global markets under make in India mission.
He emphasized the need of technological upgradation and skill development for complete value chain of poultry industry. On behalf of poultry industry, he also requested to create Indian Poultry Development Board in line with National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and other similar boards.
It was also discussed that Poultry Advisory Council for Trade, as an apex multi stakeholders advisory body, should be created to advise poultry farmers in India and study the emerging issues at global level like animal welfare guidelines, equipment standards, food safety guidelines etc with global expertise to avoid wrong decisions. Among various discussions, below are the workable suggestions presented to Hon’ble Minister:
Create National Poultry Development Board with a leadership
Create advisory task force to review all the issues faced by poultry sector in changing ground reality
Task force to provide suggestions and policy recommendations to Central government as well as State governments to develop poultry
Kissan credit care for poultry farmers should also be explored
Recommendations on how to attract investment and create employment through poultry sector under ‘Make in India’ program
It was proposed that government should create Task Force to study these issues with Poultry Federation of India as lead representative for poultry sector. Hon’ble Minister agreed to the proposal submitted by PFI and asked to provide details to take issues forward.
Following the session, Sponsoring companies had their share of time for their product presentations among delegates. Later, PFI presented mementoes to Poultry Associations, Poultry Press and sponsoring companies for all their support.
Mr. Ricky Thaper, Convener, PFI delivered formal vote of thanks and appreciated the support of all dignitaries in making 27th AGM a grand success. He expressed his thanks to all the sponsoring companies for their generous support. All the delegates enjoyed the musical program in the evening followed by cocktails and dinner.