The ASEAN-region becomes more open in terms of free trade which will probably stimulate production in Southeast Asia’s most competitive Agri economies.
Please share a brief about VIV worldwide, specially its international chapters.
VIV Worldwide is the main label under which VNU Exhibitions Europe presents 3 international platforms from Feed to Food and a few more national-oriented trade shows taking place in substantial world markets. The truly international hubs are the ones in Utrecht (VIV Europe), Bangkok (VIV Asia) and, just launched, Abu Dhabi (VIV MEA). VIV China, VIV Russia and VIV Turkey unites professionals in animal protein production in the countries specified.
The international trade hubs bring exhibitors from Asia, Europe and the USA in contact with trade visitors, decision-makers and specialists from over 100 countries. Among all VIV’s, it is the largest in visitor numbers, exceeding 30,000.
What opportunities and challenges do you see in Asia livestock market?
Challenges include for Asia at first instance the need to increase the quality of farming and processing, and as a result the production of sufficient and safe foods. Questions which are relevant include the need to produce more with less energy, use of raw materials, land and water.
Next topics that have increasingly become relevant follow starting the AEC as per this year. The ASEAN – region becomes more open in terms of free trade. This will probably stimulate production in Southeast Asia’s most competitive Agri economies. Thailand is likely to benefit since it can produce quality products at very competitive rates. Likewise I foresee a positive outlook for Vietnam and, in the longer term, Indonesia. Visitor numbers particularly from Vietnam and Indonesia are likely to rise at the upcoming VIV Asia 2015.
Another element which comes into practice forms the impressive reshaping of intercontinental trade. Europe and Asia both see their trade partners internationally changing. New markets open up to Asia at the cost of European exports. This will certainly change the playing field and boosts Asian chances.
What all new technologies are being displayed for feed industry?
At first I expect a lot of improvements in the field of replacements for AGP’s. Leaders in animal feed additives launch brand new innovations as well as latest updates of their product range in this category. At the same time, it is also important to mention that we will see more attention for products which have no or much less anti-resistance to antibiotics. We should not forget that using specific antibiotics in a proper way are essential and will remain so.
Then we will see all leading suppliers of technology for feed mills and related parts at VIV Asia 2015. Many of these have been updated, being capable of using a more varied combination of raw materials, lasting longer and using far less energy.
Could you please elaborate on your personal journey being associated with VIV Worldwide?
The adventure started form me in summer 2005, almost 10 years ago. Wherever I go, I meet with people who are dedicated to playing a role in agribusiness. Food production, and particularly the b2b-marketing side of it is part of my education background. I get excited about good stories on innovations that further increase the role of animal protein in food security. If you have a good story, then share it, in a professional way.
In my role as Show Manager of VIV I learn continuously about animal protein production. And all this information helps me to produce smart products and services which help our relations to better tell the story of their company and products. Adding value through quality VIV productions is a journey that all my colleagues including myself wake up for, every day, because we like it.
Livestock industry is facing challenges, according to you what role can be played by exhibitions?
The global animal protein industry counts 4 Champions League trade shows. Among these 4, VIV Asia is the one for the entire Asian region. With 900 suppliers from 47 countries, visitors within Asia find a showcase which they otherwise could only see in Europe or the USA. It’s complete, presents world innovations and facilitates discussions among peers on how to secure the role of animal protein in sufficient food supplies. No other event in Asia does this. It is the industry which chooses VIV Asia to stand out from everything else.
What are your expectations for VIV Asia 2015?
Size does matter although it is more the completeness of the show which is relevant I would say. For the first time ever, VIV Asia presents technology and knowledge for not only poultry, pork meat and egg production. In addition, dedicated groups of exhibitors in dairy production as well as in fish and shrimps are strongly present at the 2015-edition.
Following the dynamics in certain countries, I expect visitor growth from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Vietnam. For our Mandarin-speaking guests, VIV Asia introduces “Welcome China”, a program presenting topics from Feed to Meat by native Mandarin speakers.
Content is also a very important element. VIV Asia 2015 presents an impressive series of content programs. Topics will be presented for all species and all segments from Feed to Meat. It’s all there. The special theme for this edition is Pork Production. In co-operation with Pig Progess on March 11.
In addition, the conference Pet Health & Nutrition will be introduced. This is a side-event of VIV Asia. The production of pet food and medication as such is not focus within VIV. However, substantial numbers of veterinarians and nutritionists of the 2013-edition expressed their interest in combining feed and pet food production during their visit to VIV Asia.