The 6th Annual General Body meeting of INFAH held recently in Mumbai, was attended by close to 100 industry colleagues representing Indian Animal Health &Nutrition Industry.
Dr. D.K Dey , Vice President-INFAH, expressed in the welcome note that the role of INFAH has become more significant to meet the new challenges, adopt new culture and practices, be more proactive towards our role in policy making decisions and overall creating new opportunity for sustainable growth by adopting best professional and ethical practices.
Dr. Arun Atrey , President-INFAH, appreciated the support of all members of INFAH to create some new milestones which would give a new direction to its future growth.
INFAHs initiatives has resulted in FDCs, mention of withdrawal periods of products labels, scientific representation of AMR issues, Nil GST on Feed Supplements, High Visibility of INFAH at GAHC in collaboration with HFA.
“The Growth of any Industry is linked with the quality and availability of the desired talent. It’s essential that we continue to make our industry lucrative for the scientist community. The Sub Committee on Human Resources has already started working in spreading the awareness regarding the Industry”, he added.
“Animal Health being a unique area, it’s possible that our requirements in terms of the drug laws and practices could be different. We need to continue to have a dialogue with Scientists and regulators to work towards creating the best possible practices for the Industry which can be scientifically as well as commercially justified”, he said.
This was followed by an insightful presentation on Status Update with respect to Goods & Service Tax (GST) representations by INFAH & its outcome was made by Mr. Satish Pasrija (Past President & Chairman Sub Committee on Feed Supplements). Exemption of GST on Animal Feed Supplements/ Animal Feed Additive Including DCP is accomplished due to well-coordinated efforts of INFAH .
Mr. Vijay Teng , General Secretary-INFAH emphasized that the journey of INFAH will always remain challenging due to ever changing regulatory environment and continual demand for cost effective solutions.
During the AGM, few insightful presentations were also made by Guest Speakers. Mr. Jayesh Udeshi, Company Secretary, Virbac India emphasized that becoming a company director has become a very serious business and should not be undertaken lightly or unadvisedly.
Shri R. S. Sodhi Managing Director, GCMFF (AMUL), shared rich insights on Indian Dairy Industry, Opportunities for Animal Health Industry, Major Hurdles/Road Blocks of Dairy Industry which may be the opportunities for animal Health Industry, Possible Opportunities for animal health Industry, Breeding and feeding are the major and valuable inputs of dairy husbandry.
Mr.Sunil Madhok, Strategy Consultant, & Ex-Director of Pfizer India, highlighted that India ranks 1st in Milk Production, 3rd largest in production of Poultry Eggs, ranks 5th largest in production of Poultry Meat yet India Animal Health Market is 1.6% of Global Market. The GAP between being leading Dairy & Poultry Producer vs. the size of the Animal Health Market reflects an element of the existing potential to expand the market.
Dr. P.G. Phalke, Treasurer-INFAH conducted the AGM proceedings.
On the occasion of the 6th AGM, INFAH Recognized the contribution of individuals towards development of AH sector in the form of “INFAH Award”.
The awards were presented to Dr. Vilas Adhikari for his exemplary contribution to society at large and Animal Health Industry in particular. The INFAH awards were presented to Mr. Ravindra. Kumar Agrawal(Visionary& Founder of Natural Remedies) for his exemplary contribution to society at large and Animal Health Industry in particular. The INFAH awards were presented to Mr. Sushil Agrawal, Chairman-Indian Herbs For his exemplary contribution to society at large and Animal Health Industry in particular.
Dr. Vijay Makhija proposed vote of thanks.