INFAH held its 4th AGM on 10th August 2015 at Mumbai

The 4th Annual General Body meeting of INFAH was held on 10th August 2015 at Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai at 15:00 hours. The meeting was attended by 75 industry colleagues representing Indian Animal Health Industry.

Indian Federation of Animal Health Companies (INFAH) has a clear vision towards creating trust among veterinary professionals, Livestock, Poultry, Companion Animal and Aqua stakeholders, enhancing animal health Industry’s value and contribution to society, by setting high standards of competitiveness, ethical business practices, innovation and leadership among its members and also ensuring significant presence across the globe.

p2In his welcome address by Dr. Arun Atrey, Vice President-INFAH, touched the heart of members by conveying that this welcome is not restricted to AGM. This welcome is actually the gratitude in the form of whole hearted support extended by members to INFAH. Mr. Satish Pasrija, President-INFAH appraised the house on various milestone accomplished by INFAH in the 3rd year of functioning. He highlighted that with the membership of 45 members, INFAH is the largest association of Animal Health companies in the world. He informed that participation of members in the management of INFAH is very high, because as large as 50% of member companies are participating through subcommittees. He highlighted that in spite of being a major contributor of animal products, Indian Animal Health (AH) market contributes just ~1.6% of the global AH market. This explains the potential of Indian AH market and transformation it may bring in the coming future.

Mr. Pasrija expressed that the role of INFAH has become more significant to meet the new challenges, adopt new culture and practices, be more proactive towards our role in policy making decisions and overall creating new opportunity for sustainable growth by adopting best professional and ethical practices.

Dr. D. K. Dey, General Secretary-INFAH emphasized that the journey of INFAH will always remain challenging due to ever changing regulatory environment and continual demand for cost effective solutions.

Dr. Dey made a detailed presentation on journey of INFAH in 2014-15, Mission Possible. He shared the key activities of INFAH including National Seminar for Healthy Animals, Healthy India; Antibiotic and FDC issues jointly working with other associations; working with CDSCO on simplification of applications; interaction with IVRI, Biological standardization and Indian Pharmacopeia Commission; Working with DBT and Department of AYUSH on herbal products; Initiation of membership with CEESA; Representation on issued faced with exports in ASEAN countries; representation to MOA on issues faced with feed supplements and CSR Initiatives– HUDHUD affected farmers.

On the occasion of 4th AGM, INFAH President unfolded a novel way of recognizing the contribution of individuals towards development of AH sector in the form of “INFAH Award”. The first award was presented to Dr. Pandu Ranga Rao for his exemplary contribution to society at large and Animal Health Industry in particular. Over a period of more than 3 decades Dr. P.R. Rao served relentlessly working towards development of AH sector. He was the president of AH subcommittee in OPPI for 18 years , serving the needs of AH Industry , lobbying with policy makers , while improving & increasing the visibility of role of AH in India. He contributed significantly towards classification of feed supplements & lobbied with IFAH for affiliation and worked towards forming an independent association instead of working as an Annex to OPPI.

p5Dr.Rao thanked INFAH for this award and delivered an Inspirational speech by sharing his success mantra with the audience. He emphasized that AH professionals should feel proud as we play a significant role in providing Nutrition Security to the nation, We Feed the World.

Mr. Santosh Dalvi, Partner Indirect Tax KPMG made a presentation tilted as ‘Goods & Service Tax (GST) proposed Reforms and Road ahead’. He shared Insights on Present Indirect Tax structure its anomalies and the relevance of GST in that context. He touched aspects of Proposed GST framework, coverage and rates. He shared that scope of GST is multifaceted and not just monetary. He suggested Members of INFAH to consider setting up GST task force within their respective organizations, closely monitor the developments around the GST implementation, Identify bottle neck and potential issues & representation to authorities.

The members of INFAH appreciated the presentation as this presentation & QA session helped them in better understanding of the GST.

p7Dr. P.G. Phalke, Treasurer-INFAH conducted the proceedings of AGM. He congratulated and thanked members for the renewal of 100% membership. The four new corporate members were also presented with their membership certificates. Dr. Phalke expressed that, 100% membership renewal shows the confidence of members towards the strength of INFAH as a leading organization of AH Sector.

Dr. Phalke announced the names of new Managing committee (MC) for the period 2015 -2017. The New MC Elected office bearers will be Dr. Arun Atrey (President), Dr. D.K. Dey (Vice President), Mr. Vijay Teng (General Secretary), Dr. P. G. Phalke (Treasurer), Dr. Jeetendra Verma (Joint Secretary), Mr Satish Pasrija (MC Member and Immediate Past President), Dr Vijay Makhija (MC Member), Dr. B. P. Manjunath (MC Member), Dr. Shirish Nigam (MC Member) and Mr. Balaram Bhattacharya (MC Member). INFAH Managing committee took note of suggestions/ feedback shared by esteemed members, with an assurance to work on the same.

Dr. R. B. Smarta, M.D, Interlink Marketing Consultancy Private Limited made a presentation on ‘Building Animal Health Industry’. He shared insights on the ways to improve and facilitate Animal Health Industry growth by influencing policies, resolving industry issues and managing AH sector sustainable growth. He emphasized on Shared Value Concept for the growth of Ecosystem of AH sector. He suggested the industry to consider the possibilities in the following areas – Collaboration with

Potential Investors, Developing  R&D infrastructure, Exploring Export Opportunities, Improving access of AH Care, Talent development.

p9Audience gain newer perspective from his presentation. Mr. Vijay Teng, Joint Secretary-INFAH proposed vote of thanks. He recognized the contribution of each INFAH member, Managing committee, Subcommittee members and support from Ms Bhavna and others to help INFAH functioning as a responsible association. He thanked the hospitality and arrangements done by hotel staff. The program ended with networking dinner.