Dr. Jose Santos Reveals New Study Findings: Trace Mineral Source Affects Cow Health Status and Performance in Transition Period

The latest installment in the Selko webinar series features one of the world’s most preeminent thought leaderson dairy cattle health and performance. Dr. Jose Santos, Professor of Dairy Science at the University of Florida, will reveal findings from a recent study exploring how the source of trace mineral affects lactational performance, reproductive performance and animal health status during the critical transition period. The seminar is free-of-charge and will be presented on Monday, November 18, at 9:00 a.m. U.S. EST and 15:00 CET. Registration is available here.

Ranging from three weeks prior to calving to three months following calving, the transition period places immense pressure on the dairy cow. Research shows that dietary components can play a key role in helping support performance and health status during the transition period. Findings from a study recently conducted by Dr. Santos show that the selection of trace mineral can have a significant effect on dairy cow productivity and health during the transition period.

Several findings show that feeding a less-soluble mineral sourcecan deliver benefits that support the animal as well as producers’ economics. For example, cows receiving an IntelliBond mineral source were observed to have a 2% increase in feed efficiency, a 19% boost in colostrum yield, and a 1.5 kg (4%) increase in energy-corrected milk (ECM) yieldcompared to cows receiving a sulphate mineral source. Additionally, the study noted a 12% reduction in the culling rate of dairy cows receiving the IntelliBond mineral source. In addition to tracking lactational performance, Dr. Santos’ study focused on the influence of trace mineral source on reproductive performance. The study also exploredthe link between trace mineral source and several metabolic diseases and disorders that affect highly productive dairy cattle. The results indicate a close link between a trace mineral’s bioavailability and improved health.

“The study findings suggest a promising strategy for dairy producers aiming to optimize feed efficiency and lactational performance while improving cows’ longevity in the herd,” said Selko’s Global Trace Mineral Manager Kevin Perryman. The webinar will include a live question and answer session.

About Trouw Nutrition: Trouw Nutrition is Nutreco’s livestock feed business and a global leader in feed, farm, and health. We have a 90-year history of developing innovative feed products and more sustainable ways of raising healthy farm animals and companion animals. With a presence in 105 countries and 22 manufacturing plants, we are a one-stop-shop for feed specialities, feed additives, premixes, nutritional models, and customised, integrated services. We are everywhere farmers and home-mixers, feed producers, integrators, and distributors need us to be. Animal nutrition and good farm management have the power to transform our industry and even our planet. To solve the challenges facing our feed-to-food chain, Trouw Nutrition attracts the smartest minds. We have a dedicated team of 8,300 and a global network to help our customers feed the future. Our global brands include LifeStart, NutriOpt, Milkiwean, Gestawean, ChickCare, Maxcare, Sprayfo, and Selko. Read more on: www.trouwnutriton.com