Four-Star Bap Status for India’s third shrimp group

May  2015: Avanti Feeds Limited, has become India’s third group to achieve four-star Best Aquaculture

Practices (BAP) status for shrimp or any species from the Global Aquaculture Alliance.

Four-star BAP status denotes that the processing plants, farms, hatcheries and feed mills from

which a group sources are BAP certified. It’s the highest such achievement in the BAP program.

“Avanti Feeds has always promoted sustainability and reliability in aquaculture, and, as part of

this effort, had its processing plant and feed mills BAP certified,” said the company in a

statement. Avanti Feeds achieved four-star BAP status on confirmation that it sources shrimp

from BAP-certified farms and BAP-certified hatcheries.

Avanti Feeds is India’s third group in only a month to earn four-star BAP status. Penver Products

Ltd. became India’s first group to earn the distinction for shrimp or any species in early April.

Suryamitra Exim (P) Ltd. followed with four-star BAP status about a week later.

Read more on the BAP Group Scheme in the Sustainable Aquaculture Digital.