Proper government guidance and support with the involvement of industrial experts is necessary for growth of Indian feed industry: Amit Saraogi, Anmol Feeds

Co-operative sector in poultry will benefit the small farmer, and as a result supply and demand gap will be lessened.

Anmol Feeds since its inception in 2000, made an indelible mark amongst animal feed industry. Could you please enlighten our readers about your journey?

Anmol Feeds Private Limited started its operation in the year 2000 from a tiny city of Bihar named Muzaffarpur. Within a span of 14 years it has spread its wings not only in the length and breadth of India, but also in the neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. Although the journey was not very easy, the following steps could help us achieving the same:

  • 1) Early adoption of technology: Anmol Feeds Private Limited started using pellet feed from the very beginning. During the initial years, market used to be dominated by mash feed from local companies. However, with the help of improved plant & machinery, we could manufacture better quality feed, which the farmers accepted gracefully.
  • 2) Anmol always focused on quality. As a result more and more no. of farmers remained attached with the company.
  • 3) As poultry farming is spread across the country, Anmol group justifiably erected factories at different locations. This gave us tremendous logistical advantages, which helped develop loyal customers.

Being Chairman of CLFMA of India please throws some light on its role in bringing Indian Feed Industry under one umbrella.

CLFMA, the sole, All-India representative of manufacturers of nutritionally balanced and scientifically compounded feed forcattle, poultry, fish, prawns etc., manufacturers and suppliers of feed supplements & raw materials, feed plants & machinery and other service providers business associated with livestock industry. It helps the promotion of overall Animal Husbandry among people at large through educational, instructive and other programmes and projects and / or by any other mean(s) suitable or desirable by the Managing Committee of CLFMA from time to time.

Current total production of compound feed for all livestock is approx. 20.3 MT, versus a potential feed requirement of 96 MT, says a Rabobank report. How can this huge supply demand gap can be covered?

Proper co-ordination, awareness programs to start the Poultry farms needed. Strong ground work is needed to create awareness amongst, small Poultry farmers. If co-operative sector will be formed small farmers will get benefitted a lot and in turn supply and demand gap will be lessened.

Could you please share about the recent MOU signed between Anmol Feeds and West Bengal government?

Anmol Feeds Pvt Ltd. signed an MOU with the Department of Fisheries, Government of West Bengal for Development of Aqua Culture Industry in the State.

Livestock sectors around the world are moving towards production systems that are less dependent on antibiotics-your comment.

It’s true. I agree on this. We should use natural herbs instead of antibiotics and create awareness amongst the people.

What predictions do you have for Indian feed industry in near future?

Indian Feed Industry will prosper if the same will be on right track. Number of factors are involved to weaken it’s growth. Proper Government guidance and support is also necessary. Industrial experts should be involved for the growth of Indian Feed Industry.