VICTAM, FIAAP & GRAPAS Asia has become a known brand name among Indian grain & feed industry. The event has recently concluded its 25th edition in Bangkok, Thailand. In an e-interview with Andrew West from VICTAM International, THINK GRAIN THINK FEED tried to understand organizer’s plan for growing Indian feed market. Below are the excerpts:
Please share a brief about VICTAM, FIAAP & GRAPAS Asia 2016.
FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2016 has now become the showpiece event the feed and grain industries of Asia. This last event, held at BITEC in Bangkok, attracted over 6000 industry executives from throughout South and South East Asia and was the largest exhibition that Victam has organized in Asia. It was also the 25th Anniversary of the VICTAM show in Bangkok where it was originally held in an hotel car park with about a 1000 visitors.
What are the latest industrial trends driving the Animal Feed industry worldwide? What is the demand and scope of newer feed technologies in Asia?
The latest trends within the feed industry have not really changed much, they mainly comprise greater efficiency within the milling process. So improved, more reliable equipment, with greater energy efficiency, easier and faster changeover in the system so improving productivity, safety, reliability and traceability. Within the area of ingredients or additives there seems to be a trend to the use of alternative ingredients and reducing the reliance on traditional ingredients so giving the formulator greater control and improved options.
Could you please elaborate on your personal experiences of being associated with VICTAM?
Victam is a small Dutch company that is owned by the Victam Foundation which is a registered charity its objective is to help and support the feed industry worldwide. Working for Victam International BV, which is a very small company, has been a pleasure as well as exciting with one or two crises on the way, such as when we had to postpone a show in the Netherlands because there was Foot and Mouth Disease in Europe. But you overcome these obstacles and just get on with the job.
Feed production in Southeast Asia has been growing @ 7 percent annually, which is highest in the world. Your comments ?
This is an indication of how important the industry has become and will be in the future. Feed production has increased because the Southeast Asian economies are very strong and people are wealthier and so they wish to eat more meat and fish and seafood. You need feed to sustain this growth.
Howdo you rate the journey of VICTAM Asia since its inception in Bangkok, to its recently concluded 25th edition?
It has been a lot of fun working with Victam, its hard work organizing exhibitions and when the show finishes you are left with an empty hall and so you have to start all over again. The shows have grown in strength over the 25 years but as soon as we started to bring local Asian consultants in each country to assist us then the shows grew in terms of visitors and exhibitors. It was very important to their local knowledge and experience.
How would the event like VICTAM play its distinct role in supporting the feed industry, in view of the upcoming challenges and opportunities visualized?
Victam events act as facilitators. We bring together the suppliers of the technology, equipment and ingredients with the feed producers. This is what we will continue to do, Obviously where there are new challenges and new developments we will try to address these in our show and conference profiles and subjects.
Where does Indian market stand as VICTAM/FIAAP sees it, vis-à-vis other Asian countries?
We see India as extremely important within our events and we think that as its prosperity continues so will its influence and importance.
Interview with Andrew West from VICTAM International, THINK GRAIN THINK FEED